Thursday, February 14, 2013

Lent: Not giving up on music

Tonight I'm going to a wake.

This is the last night ever for bluegrass at Sova, my favorite grungy little place in DC. I'm going with some good people to drink good beer and listen to good music. To let the shared auditory experience bring us all into a form of community that only music can provide.

Today was an awful day. Not for a particular reason. I suppose Valentine's Day might have had something to do with it, but honestly some days are just harder than others and this was a hard day.

So tonight I'm going to a wake. And we're going to tell stories about Sova, and raise our glasses or our bottles, and most importantly we are going to let music fill us up until we overflow.

I plan to be transported to a place that is not here, that is not this broken day. And at the same time is a place accepting of me, as I am, accepting of this broken day. Opposites, held in tension.

Music can do that. It's magic.

This Lent, I'm not giving up on music.

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